Kiehl's Lip Balm #1 vs. Aquaphor


I have been using Aquaphor Healing Ointment for years now. I use Aquaphor on any dry spot I find on my skin. On my elbows, heels of my feet, dry patches on my arms and legs. I sometimes use it around my eyes area when it gets too dry from applying creams that are too harsh. There are practically a dozen uses of this wonder healing ointment.

But since I'm comparing this with another lip balm, I'll talk about using it only on my lips.

As a lip balm, I love how Aquaphor gets absorbed in my lips after about a minute of applying them. Petroleum Jelly just sits on top of my lips and doesn't get absorbed in, which I really hate . I don't experience dry lips since I use this often. I also use this as a base before applying lipsticks that aren't too moisturizing.

Kiehl's lip balm is pretty popular. The Kiehls - Lip Balm #1 also does a good job with dry chapped lips. A good thing about this lip balm is that it has an SPF of 4. Pretty low, but better than nothing.

It also gets soaked in by the lips when you apply a thin layer of this on. Apply too much and it would get runny. Mine is the original, unflavored one. It tends to melt in the tube when the weather is too hot. When it has melted, oil and not ointment would come out the tube. Since there are times when it's super hot here, I have to cool this in a refrigerator so I can squeeze the balm out.

Here's a recap of the pros and cons of each product:
Aquaphor (as a lip balm):
- gets absorbed into lips
- unflavored
- does great in treating dry and chapped lips
- ointment has the right consistency and doesn't change in any temperature

- too large to carry around (not unless you got the tiny tube ones)
- no SPF for lips

Kiehl's Lip Balm #1
- gets absorbed into lips
- unflavored
- good in healing dry and chapped lips
- has SPF

- melts in hot temperature
- melted balms turns into oil which tastes like petroleum

Aquaphor wins for me hands down. It does a good job in treating dry lips. Also, the ointment doesn't melt under hot conditions. It's many uses (aside from using it as a lip balm) is another plus, and it's also cheap! A 1.75oz costs $4.74 at Walmart while Keihl's Lip Balm is $7.00 for 0.5oz as listed on their website.


  1. omg i hate it when i stick my kiehl's lip balm in the pockets of my jeans sometimes when i head off to work and when i get off or take time to apply it,it melts and it's pure liquid when you squeeze it out ):

  2. I thought I was the only one having that problem... Mine sometimes melts even when it's in room temperature. Maybe it's just really hot here. I hate applying the "liquid oil" onto my lips whenever it melts.


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