Garnier Nutritioniste Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel-Cream


Since it's a bit hot and humid here, I decided to get a gel-type moisturizer. I chose to get Garnier Nutitioniste Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel-Cream.

This gel moisturizer helps replenish skin's moisture. It's ultra-light weight and refreshing. It's feels cool when you apply it on so it feels good to use this on a hot day.

What I like about this gel moisturizer is that it doesn't leave a filmy residue when you apply it on your face. I've tried some gel moisturizers that felt like it leaves a layer of film on top of my face. This gel gets soaked in by the skin and finishes dry, maybe because of the alcohol content.

It has Grape Water Extract, an antioxidant, and Vitamin E, to soothe and condition skin. It moisturizes well enough that my skin doesn't feel dry or tight.

What I don't like about this is the packaging. It's unhygienic to keep dipping your fingers in the jar every time you use it. 

But... Like the Garnier Fresh Cleansing Foam I have used before (you can read my review here.) this moisturizer from the same Moisture Rescue line broke me out really bad. At first I didn't linked my breakout with this moisturizer. I was just wondering why I'm always getting new pimples week after week. Then, it finally hit me that maybe I should try and stop using this moisturizer. When I did that, my face got better. It's dry, but no more breakouts.

So, now, since I still have more than half a jar left, I use this on my neck instead. I'd mix it in with some sunscreen and spread it all over my neck and arms.


  1. I wish they would make these in pump bottles! That's a great idea, a lot of products tend to break me out, so I'll have to try this next time!

  2. It would be much better if this was in a pump bottle than a jar. I hate it when I dip my fingers in.

  3. I notice it's giving me breakouts, too. Why??

    1. I'm not sure why. Maybe we're not suited in Garnier's skin care line. It's a shame though, I really like that this gel moisturizer isn't sticky.


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