Suave Professionals Humectant Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner


This is the shampoo and conditioner I am currently using. I wanted more moisture in my hair that's why I chose this. Suave Professionals Humectant Moisture says it will restore moisture to dry or damaged hair. Suave also says that it's.
  • Humectant Formula generously replenishes moisture and nourishes hair as well as Nexxus® Therappe®
  • Leaves hair soft and manageable.
The truth is, my hair didn't like Suave before. Years ago, I tried Suave Naturals' Tropical Coconut and my hair felt weighed down and brittle after. That shampoo and conditioner did wonders for my sister's long hair, it made it amazingly shiny. So I was hesitant to get this at first. But then I thought maybe their "Professionals" line would suit me.

Humectant Moisture has a very distinct scent of coconut. Make sense, since coconut is a common ingredient for moisturizing shampoos and conditioners. I am not a fan of coconut scents, but the smell isn't that strong anyway so it doesn't bother me.

I'm currently more than half way empty on these bottles. So far it's a good shampoo and conditioner. I like that the shampoo lathers up very well. A small amount will lather up my whole head. The only thing I noticed is that, after I shampoo, my hair feels like it's all tangled up.

The conditioner is not that creamy but it does a good job with the tangles. 

I noticed my hair has become better with this product. It's not as dry as it was, although it didn't help with my hair's dry ends. My hair is now soft and shinier.

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