L'Oreal Go 360 Clean Deep Facial Cleanser


 I haven't bought L'Oreal skin care products before, only their cosmetics. So, this is the first time for me to try their face wash. I only got it because I was attracted by the scrublet.

L'Oreal Paris Go 360 Clean, Deep Facial Cleanser is a daily facial cleanser that comes with a Scrublet. "Pop me out to deep clean" as it says.

The scrublet is a soft silicon cleansing disk that's really flexible. And because it's so soft, it's gentle on the skin. It's suppose to cleanse your face better than just using your hands.

I like using the scrublet. It's feels funny using it at first because it's so soft.

Popping the scrublet in and out of the bottle could be a bit of a hassle for me, I just took out the scrublet and stuck it on my tiled bathroom wall. The handle of the scrublet will stick onto tiles. My bathroom wall looks funny with a green thing sticking out.

As for the wash, it's a good facial cleanser, it washes away dirt, oil and makeup. The first time I used this, I thought it has a weird scent, but I got used to it. It smells a bit citrusy with a bit of menthol. You'd feel a little tingling from the hint menthol when you leave it on your face for a while.

With the help of the scrublet, my face feels clean and soft after the wash. I do get the tight feeling sometimes, but only if the weather is colder than usual.

Using this wash overtime, I find it a bit drying. It's really weird because I have oily skin and has never experience dry skin from a facial wash before. I think it would be better if I used this during our summer season, when the weather is hotter and more humid. I might not experience the drying effect that I do now.

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