Whenever I get a pimple, I don't grab those acne spot treatments that can be found at drugstores. I found out that I'm allergic to Benzoyl Peroxide when one morning, I woke up and half my face was swollen, red and itchy. It was the most horrible morning ever. And to make matters worst, I had to try and find a way to subside the swell quick because I had to go to school.
Since Benzoyl Peroxide is the most effective pimple treatment, I really had a hard time finding a zit cream for me.
I came to accept what my mom has been telling me the whole time. To just dab my pimples with an antibiotic ointment. Well, since pimples are infections, antibiotic will heal it.
I use
Neosporin Original First Aid Antibiotic Ointment.
Antibiotic ointments are pretty good in healing acnes. What I do is, after I clean my face with face wash and astringent or toner, I'd dab this onto my pimple. I'd put a bit of cotton on top of it and tape it with a
Transpore or
Micropore tape

. Then, I'd go to sleep. Most of the time, the next morning when I wake up, it usually brings the pimple to a head. Sometimes, it even gets pop by itself. If it didn't brought the head out yet, don't worry. Just repeat the process every night until it comes out. Continue applying the ointment until it's completely healed.
I highly recommend this to those of you who, like me, get those huge sore cystic acne. Benzoyl peroxide doesn't actually heal cystic acnes since those kind of acne grows from the inside. Applying benzoyl peroxide on it will only dry out the skin, while the pimple is safely hidden underneath. Antibiotic ointments gets absorbed in which eventually heal it or brings it to a head.
Quite disgusting to read about it here but it's effective.