
23 March 2013

Clarisonic Mia

I have been wanting this device for years. I always read about how great this device is in magazines, internet articles and other blog reviews. 

One time, I went to Sephora and got a demo of how this works. The Sephora associate scrub the back of my hand and used a glycolic cleanser together with it. After the cleansing, I got
to compare my scrubbed hand from the other one that isn't. I felt that my scrubbed hand is so much softer. It also became noticeably whiter. That must be a really deep exfoliation to make the color change. My hand became one shade lighter!

This is the Clarisonic MIA fitted with the normal brush head that came along with it. The box also includes a charger and a Refreshing Gel Cleanser.

I use this everyday now. It doesn't irritate my skin in any way. The cleansing is timed at exactly 1 minute. Sometimes after it died, I'd turn it on again and scrub my face more. It isn't such a good idea though because if I over scrub, my face becomes red.

There are time that after using this, I really notice that my face looks whiter. I always feel like my face is really really clean. I'd follow up with using my serum and creams immediately because my skin absorbs those better after a good scrubbing.

This is the Clarisonic Refreshing Gel Cleanser

The cleanser is a transparent gel that has a mild scent. I use a small amount of this cleanser onto the brush and it lathers up good. It cleanses really well too, removing all traces of dirt and oil. It isn't drying and I don't feel my face becomes tight after I pat dry.

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