
12 February 2013

Nail Art: Valentines Hearts

Pinterest and Instagram has loads of nail art designs and ideas. Here's a Valentine's design that I tried out. It was time consuming to do as I have to wait for the polish to dry before doing the next step.

I tried to be as careful as I could but it still came out a bit messy.

As requested by College on a Beauty Budget, here's how I did it:

What you need are:
Red nail polish (I used NYC Quick Dry Nail Polish in Madison Avenue)
White nail polish (I used NYC Long Wearing Nail Enamel in French White #134)
Base coat
Top coat
Scotch Magic Tape

1. Apply base boat on your nails.

2. Take a piece of magic tape and stick it onto your skin and remove it repeatedly so it won't be too sticky anymore. I do this about 4 times. After, fold it in half and cut a little heart shape so you will have this.

3. Once the base coat is completely dry, use the heart shape as a stencil to paint the red hearts on the top part of your nail. Place the heart at the center top of your nail. Brush 2 coats of red nail polish. It's best if you let the first coat dry before adding the second coat. 

4. When the red hearts are completely dry, you can start with the white polish. Make sure your hearts are completely dry or else it will get ruined if you stick tape on it.

5. Get another piece of magic tape and position it at the slant part of the heart shape. Paint 2 coats of white polish. Again, it's better if you wait for the first coat to dry before applying the second coat. Do this step one side at a time. What I mean to say is, do all the left side (or right side) of all your 10 nails first. 

6. Once the white polish dries up, you can continue doing the other side of the heart. Again, remember that your nail polish has to be completely dry or else you'd waste all your hard work and ruin your nails.

7. After you complete your cute heart design, wait for it to dry and apply a top coat.


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