Is there anything that green tea can't do? This St. Ives Naturally Clear Green Tea Scrub is a green tea derived product that works really good for me.
I'm used to using St Ives Apricot Scrub
The Green Tea Scrub is gentler than the Apricot Scrub. It's less abrasive because the silicon beads are much smaller. So small that you can't even actually see it.
I don't use the apricot scrub everyday, I think it's too harsh exfoliating everyday, so I just use it around twice a week. But this green tea one is totally different. I can use it everyday as a facial cleanser as this scrub won't irritate my skin.
I read on a magazine that it's not how hard you scrub or exfoliate your face, what matter is how long you do it. I always keep this in mind while massaging facial scrubs on my face because sometimes, I realize I'm scrubbing too hard. So, I just try to keep in mind to scrub gently and massage it for around a minute.
What I don't like about this cleanser is that the scrub are so tiny that after my bath, I can see the tiny white scrub specs caught up in my eye lashes and eye lids.
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